Bipolar Disorder Counseling

Support for mood management in Vancouver, Clark County, and WA state


Are you having difficulty getting an accurate diagnosis or managing runaway moods?

Maybe you have landed in the hospital or are struggling to hang onto your job, or perhaps the ups and downs of your mood have negatively impacted important relationships.

You may be struggling to complete daily activities well or at all or have simply found that your rhythms of life feel out of whack. Perhaps you’re not feeling very confident in your ability to stay stable, or worse, have felt hopeless or suicidal.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

●     Your productivity has been all over the place, making it hard for others to rely on you.

●     You have found yourself making impulsive decisions or can barely get out of bed to do anything.

●     You are concerned that people have pointed out that you are in rare form at times, but you can’t seem to get back to your old self.

Bipolar Disorder Counseling can help.

It may feel impossible now, but you can get to a grounded, stable place. You can learn the tools you need to manage your moods like a boss. You can repair areas of your life that have been shaken by dysregulated states. And I can help you get there.

Bipolar Disorder Counseling helps you do 4 things:

●     After an accurate diagnosis is reached, create a unique-to-you warning sign list to catch mood episodes before they get out of hand.

●     Fill your toolbox full of practical, effective coping strategies to help you gain stability.

●     Come to a place of balanced acceptance with this diagnosis so you can take responsibility for your mental health while being able to get on with your life.

●     Get proper support for stress management so you stay at an even keel place.

What we’ll do together:

I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to Bipolar Disorder Therapy comes from a place of hope: To educate and empower you to become stealth at managing your moods and stress well so you can create a life worth living.

You don’t have to live life feeling constantly off-kilter and ashamed at the ways your moods have hijacked you.

I can help you get there.

Common questions about counseling for Bipolar Disorder:

  • I gather information from the intake questionnaire, a face-to-face interview, and if necessary, information from others in your life to help fill in the gaps. After ruling out other possible diagnoses, I will share my diagnostic impressions with you to ensure they resonate and then work collaboratively to create a plan of care tailored to your needs.

  • After our initial assessment, I will allow you to discuss what is important to you in each session, offering attunement and deep understanding of what you are going through. You will experience a combination of a healing connection as well as the expertise I offer through education and proven practical tools to help get you on your way.

  • While as a Master’s level clinician I am not able to prescribe medications, I can offer referrals for specialists and coordination of care with your prescriber. Medications are usually indicated for Bipolar Disorder and it may take some time to get on the right regimen and dosage; meds can assist with basic biological stability so that our work together in therapy is more effective.

  • If we are looking at a true case of Bipolar Disorder, the bulk of practical work can be accomplished in a few weeks or months. After that, the focus tends to be on longer-term stress management, as that plays an important role in mood management. Over time, we should be able to reduce the frequency of our meetings once stability is achieved.

  • Reach out today for a free consultation. I am happy to answer any questions you have to help ease you into the process and get a feel for what it would be like to work with me. I will then give you a chance to schedule an initial appointment so you can see for yourself if we would be a good fit. I look forward to talking with you!

Start living life from a place of grounded stability.